Head Protection

Does the Oberon TCG™ Series shield block Infrared light? I am worried my eyes might be damaged if I am hit with and arc flash.

Does the Oberon TCG™ Series shield block Infrared light?

When you are involved in an arc flash two things occur simultaneously and help prevent damage to your eyes. You blink.  This happens very quickly.  A good example of this at work would be when you accidentally look at the sun.  Your first reaction is to immediately close your eyes. The blinding flash of an arc lasts as long as the arc flash is present. This would be about one third of a second...

What are the limitations of an arc flash rated suit?

What are the limitations of an arc flash rated suit?

A common misperception is that a person wearing an arc rated suit is “bullet proof” from the hazards associated with electricity. There are 3 main potential hazards when working with electricity: Electric Shock, Arc Flash and Arc Blast. An arc flash suit can protect you from an arc flash provided that the incident energy level that the suit is exposed to is equal to or less than what the suit is rated...

What is the shelf life of an arc flash suit?

What is the shelf life of an arc flash suit?

This is a challenging topic to consider as many variables must be considered when determining when an arc flash suit needs to be replaced.  Things like the age of a suit, frequency of use, laundering care, and the environment your suit is stored in can all play roles in how long it will last.  Oberon recommends  a pre and post inspection after every use of your arc flash suit.  The diagram...

What fabric is the best for arc flash clothing?

What fabric is the best for arc flash clothing?

There are three different types of arc-rated flame resistant (FR) fabrics available on the market; Treated non-inherently FR fabrics, Inherently FR fabrics and Treated Inherently FR fabrics. Treated non-inherently FR fabrics, either 100% cotton, or cotton blends, have no flame resistant properties and require a chemical treatment application to become flame resistant (FRT). Inherent fabrics are engineered to be flame resistant (IFR), and there is no chemical that needs to be added...

How do the arc-rated clothes actually protect me?

How do the arc-rated clothes actually protect me?

Arc Flash PPE is tested to determine its protective ability, this is called an arc rating. This testing is done on the fabric or a finished product using various different testing methods according to applicable Standards. Arc-rated clothing provides insulation that protects a worker from the thermal incident energy caused by an arc flash incident. There are various different types of arc ratings. In North America, the most popular product options have an ATPV...

How do I pre-use inspect my arc flash faceshield?

How do I pre-use inspect my arc flash faceshield?

The NFPA 70E Standard requires that all arc flash PPE is pre-use inspected. Refer to Oberon’s resource section of the website for literature resources including User Guides and Storage, Use, Care & Maintenance files. While inspecting your arc flash faceshield if you identify a problem do not use the product until the issue has been repaired, cleaned or replaced. When pre-use inspecting your Oberon arc flash suit you should inspect each item...

How do I pre-use inspect my arc flash suit?

How do I pre-use inspect my arc flash suit?

The NFPA 70E Standard requires that all arc flash PPE is pre-use inspected. Refer to Oberon’s resource section of the website for literature resources including User Guides and Storage, Use, Care & Maintenance files. While inspecting your arc flash suit if you identify a problem do not use the product until the issue has been repaired, cleaned or replaced. When pre-use inspecting your Oberon arc flash suit you should inspect each...

Will the LED headlamp on my faceshield or hood explode?

Will the LED headlamp on my faceshield or hood explode?

Oberon promotes the use of LED headlamps on all arc flash faceshields and suit hoods to enhance the workers ability to properly see the work task. Oberon has performed limited testing of the products we support. The arc flash exposures were relevant to the protection provided by the arc flash PPE. During testing none of the LED lamps exploded and we observed no signs of concern regarding melting, dripping or continued...

How do I activate my Oberon anti-fog coating?

How do I activate my Oberon anti-fog coating?

Oberon arc flash faceshields and suit hood shield windows are available with anti-fog coatings. Before each and every use the anti-fog coating must be activated. Workers must use humidity to activate the anti-fog properties by pulling the inside of the faceshield or hood lens towards them and breathe on the surface. It’s important for your shield lens to be at room temperature for best results.   When using an Oberon arc flash suit hood, consider...

Can we use the new True Color Grey (TCG) shield in our old Oberon arc flash suit hoods?

Can we use the new True Color Grey (TCG) shield in our old Oberon arc flash suit hoods?

No, older Oberon hoods that have a green/yellow shield window lens cannot be exchanged for the new clear TCG shield window. When Oberon designed the hoods for the new TCG shield lens, changes were made to the fabric construction and installation method. The new TCG shield lenses have metal snaps that make assembly and disassembly easier for the worker. All older Oberon hoods...