Oberon is actively involved in the Standards development process as participating members on several technical committees. All of Oberon’s products have been manufactured in accordance with every applicable Standard. Not only does Oberon help write these Standards, we lead by example in our research, product development, laboratory testing and manufacturing processes.
NFPA 70E and CSA Z462 Standards
The National Fire Protection Association and the Canadian Standards Association address the required elements of corporate electrical safety program, including training, engineering controls, work methods, and ultimately the personal protective apparel as the last line of defense for electrical worker safety.
European Standards
The European Economic Area or EAA has standards for health, safety, and environmental protection. All products sold into the EAA must meet these standards and should be CE marked by the manufacturer to signify these European Standards are met.
ANSI Standards
The American National Standards Institute oversees the development of voluntary consensus standards for products, services, processes, systems, and personnel.
ASTM Standards
The American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) F18 Committee has developed standards covering the manufacturing, testing, care and use of arc ash PPE. Oberon’s products have been certified using the most current version of every applicable ASTM testing standard and are in compliance with the overarching performance standard, ASTM F1506.