
When can I expect my refund?

In case your return request is within the eligibility criteria and the returned item has been received and accepted by Oberon, a refund will be issued accordingly.  

What happens if my package is lost or stolen?

Please contact the shipping company that delivered the package to you.   

Why has my order been returned to sender?

If your order has been returned to sender, then there was a problem with your address. Contact Oberon Customer Service at 508-999-4442 

My tracking shows delivered but I never received it, what can I do?

If your order shows delivered but you never received it, please contact the shipping company tied to the tracking number for the package.  

What does “processing” mean?

When your order says “Processing” it is in the process of being picked and shipped. Once the order is loaded onto the truck the status changes to “Complete”. Then, an invoice will be sent to the email address on the order.  

Where do you ship?

We offer free shipping to all contiguous United States locations, that includes the 48 adjoining states. Orders shipped to Alaska, Hawaii or Canada will be charged freight.